A.I Commissions : The No.1 Powerful Tool for Affiliate Success

A.I Commisions Review

AI Commissions revolutionizes the affiliate marketing landscape by providing a state-of-the-art solution that empowers marketers to generate significant commissions. Through the utilization of advanced AI technology, AI Commissions offers a comprehensive suite of robust features and tools that streamline and optimize affiliate marketing campaigns. Let’s delve into these features in-depth:

AI Commissions shines with its remarkable capability to generate pre-made affiliate campaigns through the utilization of cutting-edge AI algorithms. By thoroughly analyzing data derived from successful affiliate campaigns conducted by top marketers and the product creator, AI Commissions crafts high-conversion campaigns that are readily available for immediate utilization. This exceptional feature is a time-saving boon, enabling you to concentrate your efforts on maximizing your earnings without the burden of campaign creation.

Image : A.I Commissions Review

What is A.I Commissions ?

You are just seconds from FINALLY profiting With AI – but there is one thing you need to know…

You’ve just seen the level of automation here, the time & money that went into putting every step of AI on full autopilot.

You know how exciting Chat-GPT and other “generative AI” tools, but you are barely scratching the surface of their potential.

You deeply suspect there is a private cabal of AI-nerds who have already mastered the AI and are disappearing into the ether.

And you have seen the results that we are getting with this every day. Real results on ClickBank, Warrior, Upwork, Google & more.

But we can’t keep this open much longer. We do need to draw the line somewhere, to protect the our own personal results – and those of our AI Commissions enlistees.

That’s why we are limiting the number of people we allow in to this. Now here’s what this means for you.

You have a very limited window of opportunity. A few short moments to get AI Commissions… unlock the power of AI chains and finally profit With AI today. My advice: take this opportunity with both hands, before it get closed forever.

Overview of A.I Commissions ?

VendorChris X
ProductA.I Commissions
Launch Date2023-Jun-10
Launch Time09:00 EST
Front End Price$15
Bonuses>>Check my Amazing Bonuses <<
Refund Policy60 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product TypeAffiliate Marketing
Discount>> Click here for the best discount offer <<
RecommendedHighly Recommended
Skill LevelAll Levels

Key Benefits

Now here is what you get when you shake hands with the A.I COMMISSIONATOR.

*NEW* Chat-GPT Affiliate Software (6-in-1) That Made Us $400+/Day: PRELOADED!

Paste words into AI. Watch as AI returns with pre-made affiliate campaigns.. that made us pre-approved commissions. Basically I found a way to pre-train Chat-GPT on the 6x main affiliate campaign types (training the AI on a data set of affiliate campaigns – mine and other super affiliates – that made over TEN MILLION DOLLARS). All YOU need to do is paste text from any website and watch as the AI applies my commands to YOUR specific niche or website. This is only AI app #1.

LaunchGPT – DFY Software (A.I Hands Your PRE-MADE Affiliate Campaigns)

Realy. it’s sooo simple to use the AI Commissions App. However, I decided to prove this by giving you a second app (again, browser-based). This is actually a calendar page that lists all current and up-and-coming affiliate programs and product launches. And, for each campaign, I’m giving you SIX affiliate campaign types, pre-made (email swipes, websites, bonuses, media, etc). You can run with these or tweak them.. it’s your call. THAT’s how easy it is to use app #1… that we turned the end result into its own second app! The new #1 resource for affiliate marketers.

Create 50x YouTube Videos (+ Shorts) Every Month.. FREE!

This would be the MAIN EVENT for any other offer — I found a way to use Chat-GPT (and some other “loophole” I will share in the members area) to make UNLIMITED faceless YouTube videos. Then I created a script which spits these out on auto.. and then I show you a website that lets you make up to 50 minutes of free videos per month.. very cool!

Affiliate Review Page Bonus Builder.. Now Powered By Chat-GPT!

Now that you’re building your review videos with GPT. you will want to build your sites with GPT too. And guess what. you can do it by combining my CLASSIC Commission Builder app (over 4,000 sold) with Chat-GPT. All you need to do is paste into Chat-GPT and it will spit out your bonus page, with Bonuses hand-picked for you!.

Case Studies & Training Videos

Really, the whole process is so simple, we shouldnot even need these. But I will do a full breakdown of how each of the systems work, along with case studies on how I made $150k+ with AI already in 2023. Oh, and I also do free training webinars and update my tools into the future.

Who is the Audience ?

THE AI COMMISSIONS Suite So Special For Hungry Internet Profiteers Like YOU !

How does it Works ?

Look. You are here because you want something NEW. Right? I get it . And.. that’s why you’ve probably given up on affiliate marketing as an option. And the reason why? Because everyone’s teaching the same stuff from the make-money stone-age. But:

Plot-Twist: there IS a way to make huge commissions as an affiliate, right now in June 2023. You simply need to abandon everything you have been taught.

Use A.I To Unlock 50x FREE Videos Per Month. Then Spin The Freebie Into 1k-50k VIEWS With YouTube Shorts!?? 🎥

Did you know there’s a service that can create free videos for you, including YouTube shorts? It lets you make FIFTY free videos per month. The only catch is that you need to be a programmer to use it.

That is, of course, unless you teach Chat-GPT how to make these videos – while also feeding it with pre-made videos, media and daily screencasts of top affiliate programs. Then all you need to do is copy from Chat-GPT into this FREE CLOUD-BASED VIDEO GENERATOR. Oh.. and this works best when you use it with YouTube shorts to target BUYER keywords on SPECIFIC affiliate networks you’ve never used before… keep scrolling to see the results!

Promote Strange 🥴 Affiliate Programs That Don’t Show Up Anywhere (We Get $10/Click)

The affiliate program you choose is VITAL in deciding the commissions you make. That’s never been truer in 2023, as the gap between the haves & have-nots accelerates., but here’s the thing…

Without a guide? You’ll never find the gold! Luckily for you, I know where ALL the best affiliate programs are, and I’ll walk you right to them then give you the AI, that I use to pillage them for commissions.

🔫 Outgun Super Affiliates… With $25k Bonuses ..On TAP 👌

As you’re about to see, when you combine hot affiliate programs, with low competition.. then use Chat-GPT with some slick automation.. traffic isn’t the issue. It’s like doing the usual affiliate methods, but 100x easier and 500x more profitable! But here’s the icing on the cake..My deal-closing bonus packages.

See, I’m known for my excessive software expenditure, building over 100 tools & dropping a cool $3 mill on software devs. That matters because I’m letting you package up and offer my bonuses with your affiliate promos (using Chat-GPT to make the whole thing of course). Thus, you out-convert every other affiliate (while doing 1/100 the work)..

Launch-Jack 💨 This Summer (But.. In A Whole NEW Way!)

You will know there’s a secret cabal of affiliates consistently ranking and promoting product launches that happen on sites like Warrior every day…

You will also know these digital product launches PAY $100+ million per year.

The problem up until now was, you don’t have the tech-skills, domain authority, black-hat chops and persistence to compete. But what if I gave you placed all their entire campaigns on a silver platter – then got a custom Chat-GPT AI model to serve it to you

This is just one of TWO software tools you’re about to get with AI Commissions by the way.. welcome to the revolution..

NEW Custom Chat-GPT Gets Explosive Results 💥For Average Affiliates …x100 💪

OK, let me break down what I did: *1* — I took over $10 million of affiliate campaigns (mine + others running paid media).. *2* I trained a custom Chat-GPT model up on these campaigns (of various types and traffic types – email, affiliate, video, website).. and *3* — I’m now giving YOU the model (simply paste some text in, choose your campaign and watch it go to work…)

Golden Eggs AND The Golden Goose  (2x Apps!)

See, the custom Chat-GPT model I built really does make affiliate campaigns a DODDLE. So much so, I’m giving you two software tools…

Firstly, you get the core software which lets you build SIX types of affiliate campaign in a few seconds (& using my CUSTOM Chat-GPT model trained on $10 million of campaigns!)

But if you’re like many, you want something to EASE YOU SOFTLY AND GENTLY INTO LUXURY and if so… Well that’s where The GOLDEN EGGS COME IN!. See, it really is *THAT* easy that every day I will just hand you pre-made campaigns for all the new product launches & affiliate programs for the next week. It only takes a few minutes to do, but the AI makes it effortless…

EXTRA BONUS Get 100% Commissions Reselling & White-Labelling Unreleased AI App!

When you’re as deep in the AI rabbit-hole as me.. you forget things. Like the time I forgot that I made an entire copy writing software tool – with VSL video & sales page.. all using Chat-GPT. That was about two months ago. I just saw it today when preparing case studies for this.. and so I’m including it here. You can of course use this as another give-away bonus (like all the other tools here)… but since it comes with its own sales page, you can sell this too.

And 101x Other Use Case For These Apps In June 2023! See..

Truth is, I’m getting more and more excited about building tools and training.. and less interested in the marketing. So there’s a million things I missed here. For example, the AI Commissions app (one of 2x tools you get) is THE ultimate marketing tool (it basically creates entire marketing campaigns from scratch, not just affiliate promos). In other words, while this entire pitch is focused on affiliate marketing , the truth is even if your thing is ecom, info products, webinars, cold traffic, warm traffic, whatever.. you’ll be gaining a huge advantage when you get this!

Pricing and Funnel Details

STOP THE PRESSES! Here’s Just A TINY Selection Of What You Can Do With A.I Commissions In June 2023.

  • Get 2x Brand-New AI Apps
  • Get 6x DFY Campaigns x 100 Aff Offers Per Month
  • Launch-Jack & Crush Leaderboards
  • Make 50x FREE Videos Per Month (YouTube & Shorts)
  • Create Slick Aff Bonus Pages With Chat-GPT
  • Give Away 15x Software As Aff Bonuses
  • Promote $1k Offers ($500 Commissions)
  • Target BUYER Keywords Only (With Chat-GPT)
  • World’s First Custom Chat-GPT Affiliate Model
  • Copy A $50k/Month Super Affiliate TODAY
  • FINALLY Learn Something NEW About Affiliate Marketing
  • Do All The Stuff That “Took Too Much Time” Previously
  • Get RESELL/White-Label Rights To Unreleased “CopySniper GPT”
  • Get 3+ Hours Of AI/GPT Training When You Join (20x Videos!)
  • Read My Quick-Start PDF Guide
  • Includes AI Whisperer (Classic Bonus, Launch Week Only!)
  • Includes BonusPage Builder App (Now GPT Connected For 2023!)
  • Create 50x Minutes Of FREE Faceless YouTube Videos With AI FOR LIFE
  • Get On My List (*ahem* #1 AI/GPT Nerd Marketer Alert)
  • DAILY Stream Of New Affiliate Offers (In App #2)
  • I Break ALL GPT/AI News EARLY (I LIVE This)
  • PLUS.. Create Graphics With MidJourney
  • PLUS.. Create Human-Sounding Voices
  • PLUS.. Make Graphics For ANY Website
  • PLUS.. Close & Fulfill ANY Freelance Job (Upwork, Freelancer, etc)
  • PLUS UK-Based Support
  • ..PLUS Regular AI Webinars!

Frontend – AI COMMISSIONS – $15-23 !

The core software suite that lets people make commissions… with TWO custom AI tools. The first creates instant affiliate campaigns for any affiliate program, using a custom Chat-GPT model that was pre-trained on over TEN MILLION dollars worth of campaigns. The second tool simply gives you pre-loaded campaigns that this AI made for all the new product launches and hottest affiliate programs. This same software is currently making us anywhere from $100 to $2,000 per day.

For too long, affiliate marketing has become stale, boring and unchanged. Let’s drag this classic moneymaking method into the 22nd century with our cyborg commission-getting custom-AI model space-tech. Hop on the hoverboard and hoover up those AI commissions! 

Upsell1 – GPT Commissions – AI Pro/Unlimited Edition – $47

Firstly, unlock the ability to run even more campaigns and even deeper campaigns  – increasing the speed and potential profits by 500%! Second, access 3x extra profitable campaign types and systems that aren’t included in the front-end. The front-end makes me $400/day, but I have made as much as $2,000 per day with these!

Upsell2 – AI Reseller SPECTACULAR Suite – $97

Shhh. The top super affiliates are expert copywriters and marketers. Our AI will automate and netrualize away that part of their skillset. But.. they still have a secret weapon: for any affiliate promo they do, they can offer the finest bonus pack. Luckily, yours truly is a master software developer, with over 100 tools under his belt. Thus, I am giving you a huge collection of previously hoarded softwares and other bonuses – all with resell and giveaway rights. My software and bonuses are the best, and now, with this private value-stash, you can leapfrog even top marketers. When confronted with two affiliate links, what were once his buyers.. now become your buyers .

Upsell3 – ELITE AI Video Suite – $97

Everyone’s talking about how AI lets you create “faceless” YouTube channels. Nice baby move. You reached level 3. But.. did you know you can create entire VIDEO COURSES too? That is.. If you get my Video AI suite, including multiple software tools, a new AI Chrome extension and an entire video course hosting platform with resell rights (so you can cancel your Kajabi subscription.. Then turn around and let your customers do the same too!) Oh.. and it’s all done with AI. Hopefully you’re learning.. Once more, my upsell #3 are better than 99% of marketers front-ends.

Upsell4- AI Whisperer GOLD EDITION – $17

I had to include this here. Really at this point everyone should have AI Whisperer, but on the off chance someone didn’t, the guilt of them not having the de facto primer on generative-AI would send me into a depression. Offered here at a small ticket with some extra bells and whistles. As a kind thank you to all the affiliates who promoted Whisperer v1, and since I want as many people to get this as possible, this will pay out 90% commissions.

Upsell5 – Push Pro AI Edition – $97

Your very own push auto-responder… but powered by AI? YES! Build unlimited leads of web push subscribers then use AI to turn any website into a web push subscription.

HURRY The Price Instantly Rises On The Hour, EVERY HOUR!

Honest A.I Commissions Review and Conclusion

AI Commissions is a revolutionary force in the affiliate marketing realm, equipping marketers with cutting-edge AI technology to efficiently generate commissions. With its AI-generated campaigns, niche customization options, launch calendar, automation features, and extensive training resources, AI Commissions presents itself as a comprehensive solution for achieving success in the field of affiliate marketing. Embrace the trans-formative power of AI and unlock your full potential in the world of affiliate marketing by embracing AI Commissions.

Thank you for reading my blog on A.I Commissions and I hope this helps you alot for your buying decision. Don’t miss this opportunity! Click the link below to access AI Commissions and unlock your journey towards affiliate marketing.

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